Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tool Tuesday - Pattern Notcher


Pattern Notcher

I've decided to feature one of my favorite tools each Tuesday.  We'll see if I can sustain this EVERY week - I may run out of tools and have to cut back to monthly posts . . . but let's give it a try! :)

So one of my most favorite tools that I use EVERY SINGLE time I cut out patterns, and a tool I can't believe I went YEARS without even knowing about, is the Pattern Notcher!  If you don't already have one of these - trust me - GET ONE! 

This handy (and cheap!) little tool is a life saver and keeps you from having to awkwardly angle your scissors to try to cut out that little triangle notch on the patterns.  It works just like a hole punch: slide your notcher over the pattern and/or fabric and squeeze!  Clip!  That simple.

I'll be honest for a long time I actually didn't even cut in the notches because to me they were a pain in the butt.  I know, it's not THAT hard to cut a notch with scissors, but it was just enough "extra" that I didn't want to do it.  Since I found these pattern notchers, I've become a notch zealot and I just love putting the notches in my fabric.

There's not a lot more I can say about this tool other than I LOVE IT! (In case you didn't pick up on that yet. ;)  I'll post a few links below where you can pick one up and a great video explaining how to use them.  

Let me know what you think and if you already have one and use it - do you love it too?

With love,


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