Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tool Tuesday - Heat Erasable Tracing Pens


Heat Erase Fabric Pens

As promised I am featuring another one of my favorite tools!  Heat Erasable Tracing Pens. 

This is another tool that I wish I had known about YEARS AGO!  These pens are PERFECT for marking tuck lines, darts, hem borders, and anything else you'd need to mark but then erase.

I used to use tailor's chalk (which I also like) but sometimes it rubs off before I want it to and other times it doesn't come off well and you have to brush it a lot.  The benefit of the pens is you get precise marking and it easily disappears when you press it!

NOTE:  Sometimes there is a faint residue left behind, so definitely test the pen on a scrap of fabric before you mark up all your final fabric.  It's too easy to do and will save you heartache from finding out the hard way.  Having said that, I have found that it comes out completely from most fabrics.

These pens are cheap, easy to use, and a real life saver in my opinion!  If you haven't tried these yet, put them on your list!  You can find them on my BeespokeVintage's Amazon Shop too.

Let me know what you think!


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