September 27, 2011

Remembering Gettysburg - November 2009

Micky (1-1/2), Me, Renton (6), Emily (4-1/2)
 I will always remember this day fondly. The weather was perfect, the kids were agreeable.  We even managed to get an authentic tin-type done of us.   It looks real because it was an authentic camera and authentic processing. We all had to sit absolutely still for 16 seconds.  That's one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand . . . I am still in awe today that they all cooperated. Was a miracle! Small movement at the end by Micky made him a little blurry, but all in all, it was a success.

Of course, there are little things I don't like about the picture.  Emily's hair, for example.  She refused to let me pull her bangs back and looks more like a late-Victorian boy than a mid-Victorian girl.  But I just LOVE her expression!  She was having a great time and was not upset, but it's such a classic little Victorian girl expression, it makes me laugh whenever I look at it.  I also don't like my arm pulled back on the arm rest - wish they would have let me just keep it in my lap.  And Micky's shaved head.  But again, ah well.  It was good overall.  =)

Things I LOVE are:
1.  Renton's jaunty expression
2.  Emily's striped stockings
3.  Micky's little dress

If you are ever in Gettysburg, you have to stop by and check this place out.  Reservations are best because the process can take quite a while.  But it is well worth the wait!

Renton waiting patiently for our turn behind the lens

Another great shot of Emily's striped stockings

Cute shot of Micky's dress

It was blustery that day - wish I'd taken pictures of them wrapped up, too.
Yes, I know this is an Edwardian pram (not Civil War era).
Whatever I could get Micky to sit still in worked for me.

Micky's bonnet and dolly

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